Tuesday, September 25, 2012


For the third time in my life, I find myself without an iPhone. Oh the pain! I no longer fear childbirth.

The first time it happened, well, the iPhone came out, and I didn't have it. It wasn't that bad. I got one a few months later.

The second time it happened, someone stole my iPhone at a bar. iPhone 3G had just come out, but I didn't want to switch. So I found a guy on craigslist that sold me his old phone  he was one of the ones that switched. When I plugged my "new" phone to iTunes and it loaded all my old data screen saver and all! I experienced true happiness.

Now this. I was in Barbados, my iPhone 4 was in "airplane mode", and the screen went dead from overheating. The irony is that I had put it in my waterproof case, which didn't allow it to breathe or something. It did not go in the water. It just became really hot and the screen went black. It still works. It buzzes when I get an email. I can listen to music through headphones. I could receive calls through headphones too, I'm sure, but the airplane mode screwed that up. I took it to the Apple Store and nope, nothing they can do; it's a hardware thing. It's over two years old so it's out of warranty.

My best option is to just get the iPhone 5, which came out the day my phone broke. No, I didn't do it on purpose to get myself a new phone. I wasn't even thinking of getting the new iPhone. But alas, fate has dealt me a wicked hand. Now my problem is, ALL THESE JERKS GETTING THEIR NEW PHONES with perfectly good working phones, I'll bet! THERE ARE NO IPHONES IN STOCK ANYWHERE!! I can't live like this. Good bye.

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